Friday, June 12, 2009

Hadley Victoria Dissel - 28 weeks

My parents came in town last weekend and we decided to go to the Mommy-to-be spa and get a 3D/4D ultrasound of our little girl. Louis' mom joined us too. It was such an amazing experience. We got to see her for about 25 minutes and they put it up on a big T.V. (maybe 50 inch) it was absolutely amazing to get a glimpse of her little face and her rather large feet! :) She is looking wonderful! We can already tell she has the Phillips Family "butt-crack chin" :) a trait no one in my family seems to avoid. Hey at least we know we are related!
She was moving all over and was opening and closing her eyes. She is also practicing sucking. It was so cute she was sucking on her foot and arm. She had her foot up on her face for almost the entire time. I wish we could do this every weekend!